Uiro / ういろう


Today’s my Bento

Uiro is a traditional sweet that is well-known in Nagoya (Aichi Prefecture).

❶ Pork Carrot Shiitake mushroom Spinach
❷ Salt-boiled Green beans
❹ Cherry tomato
❺ Japanese cucumber
❻ Japanese mustard spinach Enoki mushroom
❼ Scrambled egg

❶ 豚肉、人参、椎茸、ほうれん草の炒め

❷ 塩茹でいんげん
❹ ミニトマト
❺ 胡瓜
❻ 小松菜、えのきの煮物

❼ 炒り卵

About Uiro


・Japanese sweet cake

Uiro is a traditional Japanese steamed confectionary made of glutinous rice flour and sugar. It is a soft, chewy, and slightly sweet treat that comes in a variety of flavors. Uiro is a gluten-free treat.
Uiro is often served with green tea or as part of a Wagashi (traditional Japanese dessert) platter.Uiro is typically cut into rectangular or square pieces.


Uiro is said to have originated in the Muromachi period (1336-1573). Uiro was originally a medicine, but it eventually became popular as a sweet treat. Uiro is particularly associated with the city of Nagoya, which has been producing the confectionary for over 500 years.

Where to Buy Uiro

Uiro can be purchased at many Japanese grocery stores and souvenir shops. It is also a popular souvenir from Nagoya. And it is difficult to buy uiro outside of Nagoya.

I recommend the Sakura uiro and Kuri uiro from Toraya Uiro!
