Japanese yam / 長芋


Today’s my Bento

Grated Japanese yam transforms into a dish called tororo.

❶ Cheese
❷ Spinach Sesame sauce
❸ Mushroom Sauté
❹ Omelet
❺ Uiro
❻ Japanese cucumber
❼ Tomato
❽ Salt-boiled Green beans
Japanese yam Japanese pickles

❶ チーズ
❷ ほうれん草の胡麻和え
❸ マッシュルームのソテー
❹ 卵焼き
❺ ういろう
❻ 胡瓜
❼ トマト
❽ 塩茹でいんげん

About Japanese yam


・Japanese yam

Nagaimo, also known as Japanese yam, is a starchy tuber vegetable native to East Asia. It is a long, slender yam with white flesh that can grow up to 3 feet in length. Nagaimo has a mild, nutty flavor and a unique slimy texture.

Nagaimo can also be cooked in a variety of ways, including stir-frying, roasting, boiling, and pickled . Grated nagaimo is called “tororo” and is used as a topping for soba noodles.
Nagaimo is a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. It is also a low-calorie food.

Sometimes your hands may itch after touching nagaimo. This is because the calcium oxalate crystals in nagaimo can irritate the skin. If your hands itch, soak them in hot water (around 104°F) or vinegar.

Tororo is delicious on rice or topping soba noodles!
