Shirouri / 白瓜


Today’s my Bento

In Japan, we enjoy a wide variety of gourds.

❶ Bell pepper Onion Carrot Stir-fry
❷ Eggplant Shirouri Japanese pickles
❸ Salt-boiled Broccoli
❹ Daigaku Imo
❺ Cherry tomato
❻ Boiled egg
❼ Turnip Potato Braise

❶ ピーマン、玉ねぎ、人参の炒め
❷ 茄子と白瓜の漬物
❸ 塩茹でブロッコリー
❹ 大学芋
❺ ミニトマト
❻ 茹で卵
❼ 蕪とじゃが芋の煮物

About Shirouri


Oriental pickling melon

Oriental pickling melon, called Shirouri in Japanese, is a group of nonsweet melon cultivars used in Asuan cuisines. Shirouri is often peeled and pickled. This dish is rarely found in restaurants and is more commonly eaten as a home-cooked meal.

Shirouri pickle is made with salt and dashi broth instead of vinegar!
